About Me

Hey there! I'm a creative developer based in Baltimore City. Born in Ohio, I moved to Maryland as a kid and started making Flash games and animations on the computer. Remember those stick fights and browser RPG's? Yeah, that was me.

During college, I studied Interactive Media and Animation, and I took a 2 year gap to move to San Diego, CA to do art for an indie game called Closure. To say this was an adventure would be an understatement. After school, I continued my journey through art and code to UX Design for consumer products. I love getting feedback from real people and iterating on things I've made so this seemed like a great fit.

Now, I both code and design for products and love learning new things all the time. I've designed and implemented UI's for healthcare and military sims, consumer desktop and mobile apps, and websites. I've run workshops, and I even bring out my art chops sometimes on the job. For fun, I like to swing dance, and paint with friends. I even have an online shop!



2023-Present / Creative Developer

I design and develop apps and websites for startups and small companies.


2022 - 2023 / Senior Product Designer

I did product and UX design for AR sports experiences to be paired with MLB, NFL, and NBA stadium sporting events.

Avast Software

2019-2022 / Senior UX Designer

I maintained and updated design for consumer privacy software and ran workshops for new products and features.


2017-2019 / UX Director and Developer

Led UX across products and website, project managed several redesigns including website and flagship product, and implemented and tested features in our apps.

BreakAway Games

2014-2017 / Technical Designer

Had a variety of responsibilities but largest achievement was the UI implementation and hands-on testing of desktop software military simulation experience.


2010-2012 / Art Lead

Art and Animation for a 2D indie platformer released on PlayStation 3 and Steam. Won Indie Game Challenge Grind Prize, among other awards at DICE, PAX, IGF, and IndieCade. Funded by The Behemoth's Golden Egg Project. Reviewed by Markiplier, NorthernLion, and TotalBiscuit. IGN 8/10. Check it out here!


University of Maryland: Baltimore County

2014 / Bachelor of Fine Arts Interactive Media & Animation

Featured in research paper having co-developed iKiosk touchscreen for on-campus library to check computer vacancies. Check out the abstract on page 90!